Thursday, May 1, 2014

Good work!

We've done some great work today. We got the entire garden leveled and ready for either tilling or marking off the plots!

For those who haven't heard the good news yet, ahem, Anderson Seed and Garden is donating all of our compost. Yay! We'll get it in sometime early next week so if you choose to plant before then, don't worry. We'll be careful around the little new plants.

Thanks again to all of you who helped out today! Earlier this morning we had a great crew, and then later on we had a few more jump in. It couldn't have happened without you.

(I would post a picture but my camera's batteries are dead.)

I also have copies of the TGPP Gardener's Welcome Packet available. I'll try to bring them around soon.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Planting Day!

Come and join us tomorrow at 10:30 in the morning for some good, old-fashioned gardening work. We'll be leveling the soil and marking off plots in preparation for planting. Bring any seeds you would like to share!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Welcome to the 2014 season!

Hello, Gardeners!

We are excited to announce the Triad Garden Pilot Program! Our first meeting is tonight and we will establish the garden guidelines and plan for our first year.

Since this is a pilot program we want to remind participants that this growing season is a TEST. If we want these gardens to continue into the future then we need to do our part to get involved and be honest with what might or might not be working for the program.

In other news, we have a number of local businesses excited to donate to our cause! Woohoo!

Stay cheerful, and enjoy your day!
- The Garden Team

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Interest Survey

Please follow THIS LINK to get to the AV triad garden interest survey! Thank you!